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Enrol Now!
Find all you need to know about enrolment for the 2024/2025 school year here. Or to go straight ahead and enrol you child - fill in the form below. Loading…
Our new Facebook page
We love our school's Facebook page! Share, like, follow please!!! https://www.facebook.com/Stpatricksinfantscork/
A message from Anne
Hi All, Well done on our first week in school - all pupils are well settled and so independent coming in each morning. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Our Wear what you Want on Wednesdays continues as it will give you a chance to wash and dry tracksuits/uniforms [...]
Hello Cork! Our new Juniors Infants on the front of the Echo last night!!!
Wellbeing resources for parents
Dear Parents, Guardians , Friends We have just had our final online staff meeting before opening and I can tell you we are all so excited and looking forward to Monday. We have received very good Parent Supports for your Well Being from the Department and they are shared on [...]
A message to parents, guardians & friends
Dear Parents/Guardians/Friends, We are so pleased and happy to be back in school next Monday. Please see the schedule below and all we ask is that you and your children strictly adhere to the COVID guidelines - keep social distancing, adults to wear masks at all times, use sneezing and [...]