Thursday April 30, 2020. 7 weeks (49 days) today since we were last together in school.

Good Morning Everyone

I hope this finds you all well today.  We need your help if at all possible. We are presently contacting parents/guardians of our prospective Junior Infants for next September so if you know of anyone please ask them to contact us and we would be really grateful if you would put their minds at ease and tell them that their little ones will be grand. You might also share your experiences with them. It is a very stressful time for everyone and hopefully we will be able to meet you all in person before the end of June.

The EIC pupils, Juniors and Seniors are thriving from what we can gather so many thanks and congratulations for holding it all together in this very strange time.

All the best for today and Lots of Love,


Previous posts from Anne

PS you can view Mr Keane’s Easter “Egg”ercises by clicking here.