Monday, April 27, 2020. Day 46 since we were last together in school.

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a peaceful and restful weekend. We are well into our new normality now and as per today’s picture if 2020 has given us nothing but to learn to live in and appreciate the moment then that will be quite enough!

I have received a number of e mails from anxious parents about their children starting school and also about your children progressing onto the next class. Please relax as we will be sending out letters and making contact with new pupils and their families in the coming weeks. Uniforms, books etc can all be arranged as we are one of the few schools in the city that provides all that onsite – it is our business to make our Parents’ lives as easy as possible so we will sort it! Secondly regarding your child’s progress – as soon as we are back in school we will address that issue. We are already discussing what we can do should we not return before September and I certainly would appreciate your input. Please contact me directly on my e mail – but again until we are advised by the HSE and the Government lets not preempt anything and waste precious time worrying.

On that note – go and enjoy your day – a direct order from the Principal! I see the Padlet has been upgraded and there are all sorts of fun new things to do. I am so looking forward to seeing our virtual Spring garden blooming. I’ll have two recordings of our school garden for tomorrow and Wednesday so there will be plenty of inspiration.

Until then, all the best and Lots of Love,


Previous posts from Anne

PS you can view Mr Keane’s Easter “Egg”ercises by clicking here.