Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Day 40 since we were last together in school.

Good Morning Everyone
I hope this finds you all well and in good spirits. Wow – has it been busy since our return yesterday! Thanks so much to all our teachers and helpers for setting up your ongoing ‘home/schoolwork’ and I again say please DO NOT feel pressurised in any way over completion of this especially as we will have to start introducing some new material as we enter our final term in this extraordinary school year 2020/2021.
While we are in these uncertain times and schoolwork cannot be completed in the very important social and emotional settings of our classrooms and school it is obviously impossible to replicate that learning situation at home. For that very reason please do not try to achieve the impossible – home is home and not school. School will return in due course and if I am concerned about anything at the moment it is the adjustment your child will have to make to the school social setting and possible attachment issues which may have to be addressed. I do not want to cause you any undue worry and rest assured we are addressing these issues in light of opening again. I will keep you up to date and if you do have any concerns please chat over them with your class teacher, helper, HSCL or SCP and I am always available at principal@stpatricksinfants.ie.
Have a great day, enjoy the welcome sunshine and chat tomorrow,
All the best and Lots of Love,


Previous posts from Anne

PS you can view Mr Keane’s Easter “Egg”ercises by clicking here or going through the Pupils Area on our homepage