Wednesday, APRIL 1. Day 20.

Hi Everyone
You will see I put the date in capital letters…WATCH OUT TODAY as I am sure there will be lots of tricksters about! Any reason for a little bit of fun can only cheer us up. I really miss school today as it’s, as our Senior Infants and past pupils know, a day of great craic and trying to catch people out. I remember two years ago some of our teachers ( not naming names Mr. Cadogan and Ms Duke!) gave us all some terrible frights by jumping out of the weirdest places and scaring us. Such places as cupboards and behind doors and under the stairs!!!
Ah the good old days – hopefully they’ll be back soon. So let’s think of lots of little bits of fun we can play on each other today and let us know all about them.
Have a great day full of tricks and fun,
Keep a careful eye out and chat again tomorrow,
Lots of Love, Laughs and Fun

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