Thursday April 2, Day 21.

Hi Everyone
I hope you are all well this bright morning. You will see from this morning’s video what my hens magically sorted last night..they really are wonderful. Maybe you too could work some magic and make some flags to stick to your windows?
Courage is the theme of today’s picture message and again it’s a trait that we all need in bucket loads presently and you know what?  We have it – it may be buried deep within us but while we live and breathe and as each new day dawns we can find it to face whatever faces us. I want to thank especially those who are finding mountains of courage and leaving their homes and families everyday to look after us – our caregivers, delivery personnel, shop workers, county and city council workers, nurses, doctors and especially the grown ups in our houses who are going out to get food and fuel for us.Thank You all so much.
I will be sending out a text a parent today again letting you know that we are there to help in any way we can. Especially as these weeks go by and households are finding it difficult. Please contact me privately on my e mail, or call Kirsten (086 6094758 – SCP) or Ronan’s (086 7844845 – HSCP) phones. If we can we will support you or put you in touch with those who can – you are not alone.
So have a great day and we’ll chat again tomorrow,
All the best and Lots of Love and Courage,

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