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All-Ireland Senior Ladies’ Football Cup

Cork footballer and All Ireland Senior Ladies' Football champion, Orlagh Farmer visited our school with a very shiny and heavy Brendan Martin Cup. The children had great fun lifting the cup and congratulated Orlagh for winnning her 6th title. Congratulations to everyone involved from all at St. Patrick's Infants' School. We hope to see you next year! [...]

By |October 23rd, 2016|Latest news|Comments Off on All-Ireland Senior Ladies’ Football Cup

Mayor’s visit

It was with great excitement that the children, staff and teachers of St. Patricks Infant's School welcomed Lord Mayor Des Cahill for the Mayor's annual visit. In preparation, the children enjoyed discussing the important role of the City Mayor and made paper chains, medals and pompoms. [...]

By |October 20th, 2016|Latest news|Comments Off on Mayor’s visit