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Visit from the Fire Fighters!

Today 3 very brave fire fighters, Irene (Cork's only female fire fighter), Martin & Jason, came to visit our school from Cork City Fire Brigade. First, they discussed their role as fire fighters, showed the boys and girls all the parts to their very important uniform, highlighted the key role [...]

By |May 25th, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on Visit from the Fire Fighters!

Barrier games with parents/guardians.

Our home school community liaison officer, Joy Murray kindly organised some very fun barriers games for the parents and children in our school. Barrier games are an excellent way of developing oral language and listening skills. It was a treat for the children to have their parents in the classroom with them; [...]

By |May 14th, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on Barrier games with parents/guardians.

Signs of Summer…

Room 4 and Room 10 went on a nature walk this week. The boys and girls enjoyed spotting the signs of Summer which were very evident in the Glen Park. The children collected samples of the blooming colourful flowers and leavy green trees to bring back to school. Everyone had fun counting the [...]

By |May 14th, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on Signs of Summer…

Awesome Attendance in Term 2

At assembly this Friday, we awarded certificates to boys and girls for their awesome attendance in term 2. Those who got Full Attendance Certificates (orange) didn't miss a single day while those who received Excellent Attendance (green) Certificates missed just 1 or 2 days. We also awarded Improved Attendance Certificates [...]

By |April 28th, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on Awesome Attendance in Term 2

Cór Féile na Scol

Last Thursday was a very memorable evening for our super Senior Infants, who took part in the annual Cór Féile na Scol in City Hall, Cork. Their energetic and cool showcase of ‘The Barnyard Moosical’ went down a treat with the audience. The boys and girls, colourfully dressed as farmers, [...]

By |April 2nd, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on Cór Féile na Scol

World Book Day

The children celebrated world book day in style by dressing up as their favourite character from a story. We had a lovely assembly and Mrs Hogan read 'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?'.  Throughout the day boys and girls from each class went to the office to read out [...]

By |March 10th, 2017|Latest news|Comments Off on World Book Day