Friday, May 29, 2020. 78 days since we were last in school together.

Hello Everyone

We have a very special surprise and mission for you today. Firstly our surprise – the Virtual Garden sure is blooming and full of fabulous mini beasts and other creatures, so thank you all so much for putting such great efforts in. It’s a masterpiece!

Which brings me to our mission (fun really!) We are asking you to replicate a famous work of art and just to start the ball rolling look closely to today’s picture. We look forward to lots of fun poses and even our Board of Management have taken up the mission as well as Staff. Read all about it on this page –

Fun times ahead over the long weekend and I am looking forward to seeing lots of recreated art next week.

Have a great long weekend and I’ll chat again next Wednesday in the month of June!

All the best, stay safe and Lots of Love

Anne and all of us here in St. Patrick’s Infants

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