Wednesday, May 20, 2020. 69 days since we were last in school together.

Good Morning Everyone

I hope you are all well today and have we a fantastic video from Ms. Taylor and Bonnie today! As it is Mental Health Awareness Week Ms. Taylor reads us and breathes us some lovely surprises. As I told you last week we are also extending our virtual garden so the attached picture will lead you to meet, make and greet many friends we might see in our garden – perfect timing to support the very important Biodiversity Week, which is also this week. Thank you all so much for taking part – what wonderful Artists you all are!

Teachers are very busy in school too – sorting out your books and belongings so don’t forget to fill in your preferred collection time on Aladdin and please please come at the allotted time and maintain social distancing. If you have any problems coming to collect discuss with your Class Teacher and we can sort something out.

I am off now to Breathe and Explore our beautiful virtual garden. Until tomorrow take care

Lots of Love and Best Wishes


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