Friday, April 17, 2020. Day 36 since we were last together in school.

Good Morning Everyone
And welcome to the last day of our very different Easter holidays. Even still, make the best of it as your teachers will be back on line next Monday with lots of surprises and as you know by now nothing too strenuous or stressful but fun and subtly challenging. On that note of stressful I will have to have a word with Mr. Keane – I fell over yesterday trying to throw a ball, kick with my other leg and catch on the rebound – his exercise challenges are definitely challenging for me! I am looking forward to hearing how you all got on.
You will see this morning’s video is different in that it is the promised video that Breda, Room 19 sent me. She and I agree that it has just the right sentiments to share with you all and we wish you all well and congratulations on your patience, success and forbearance through these challenging times.
Looking forward to catching up with you all next Monday. Until then have a great weekend, continue to stay safe and sending Lots of Love,
All the best

PS you can view Mr keane’s Easter “Egg”ercises by clicking the following link! or going through the Pupils Area on our homepage

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