Friday, March 27. Day 15.

Hi Everyone
Friday is here again. Its astounding how people are adjusting to this new way of being and very reassuring in our resilience even though it is so hard at times.

I attach Dr. Seuss today with some words of wisdom about NOT bottling up our feelings. Our children have a great handle on this one when they screamed and threw tantrums as babies telling us they were upset before they had words to express themselves! So if you are feeling pressured by schoolwork and feel like screaming – do and then leave it on the shelf. Your children will remember the fun and family times from these times – schoolwork is bottom of the list and to be honest a few weeks off school will do them no harm -so don’t worry. They’ll soak up the learning when we all get back to school.

Thank you for your applause last night for our great caregivers. We all know people, friends and relations, risking their health everyday looking after us and we wish them well and much appreciation for all they do.

On that note, have a great weekend, (NO SCHOOLWORK!) Stay safe and keep in ‘virtual’ touch.

Lots of Love and All the Best


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