Wednesday March 25, Day 13

Dia Dhaoibh
How are you all this morning? Well, I hope and getting into the routine of our new normal. It’s amazing what we can adapt to!

I was thinking yesterday about how we have been literally thrown into cyber space and unfortunately this may often not be a very safe and caring space. (Fake news, fast selling, negativity etc). So I’d like to direct you to the Scoilnet site and in particular Webwise where there are a range of age appropriate, from Infants to Adults, advice podcasts. These are developed by our own Department of Education and very important.

As well as lots of thinking yesterday I did lots of reading especially Poetry and the adults poem I attached today is by Mary Oliver, one of my favourite poets who can make nature come alive. I also like John O Donohue whom I find very inspiring and soothing. As you know I love a good laugh (medicine for the body and soul) and Spike Milligan always provides lots of laughs -google his poem about his Granny or the Ning Nang Nong. Great for imagining and creating.

Until tomorrow enjoy your day and stay safe

Lots of Love and All the Best


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